MAX IV has a number of policies surrounding User access, please make sure you have read through these policies in full before your visit to MAX IV. You will find downloadable documents at the bottom of this page.

If you are an industrial user looking for more information, please instead visit the Industry pages.

Industry users guide chevron_right

Terms & Conditions for user access

User Science Programme access to MAX IV is regulated through Terms & Conditions (file at the bottom of the page). In order to ensure awareness of these terms and conditions, all users need to state their compliance in the Digital User Office (DUO) portal when submitting a proposal and/or when applying for individual access (physical or remote/mail-in).

Here, it is the responsibility of the individual users to ensure prior to entering MAX IV that they are authorized to enter into the Terms & Conditions on behalf of their institution or procure such authorization. We therefore strongly encourage users to apply for access in DUO as early as possible.

User expenditure invoicing

Providing users with instrumentation and materials for experiments is the core business of MAX IV Laboratory. MAX IV covers the cost of most typically used consumables for user experiments, including but not limited to common gases, chemicals, and glassware. However, MAX IV funding does not allow covering costs regardless of their amount. Invoicing users for excessive charges is part of MAX IV’s business practice. This contractual basis is described in §3 of the MAX IV General Terms & Conditions for User Science Programme Access

Cost threshold

Starting from February 1, 2025, if the cost for commodities per user experiment exceeds 10 kSEK the cost that exceeds 10 kSEK will be invoiced to the user group. The invoice will include payment terms as specified in §3 of the MAX IV General Terms & Conditions for User Science Programme Access found below.

Mandatory acknowledgement

When publishing any material arising from work carried out at MAX IV, remember you must acknowledge MAX IV and our funders. This obligation, as laid out in our General Terms and Conditions for User Science Programme Access (STYR 2016/1499) applies to all infrastructure personnel, external users or other researchers. The following acknowledgment statement is to be used in all cases:

We acknowledge the MAX IV Laboratory for beamtime on the [insert Beamline name here] beamline under proposal [insert proposal ID here]. Research conducted at MAX IV, a Swedish national user facility, is supported by Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council, VR) under contract 2018-07152, Vinnova (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) under contract 2018-04969 and Formas under contract 2019-02496.

Additionally, you are required to give appropriate acknowledgment of individual MAX IV personnel. References for publications related to experiments carried out at the facilities must be deposited in the MAX IV publications’ database (in DUO) within three (3) months of the publication date.

Policy documents

description Download MAX IV General Terms & Conditions for Open User Access

description Download MAX IV User Access Policy

description Download MAX IV Experimental Data Policy

description Download MAX IV IT rules and Guidelines

description Download Lund University, equal opportunities plan 2022-2027

Page manager: User Office December 19, 2024