Once your proposal has been accepted and scheduled by beamline staff, it is time for you to create your experimental session.
Why is the Experimental Session so important?
It is vital for your experiment at MAX IV that you create your experimental session as soon as possible, as it is through the session that we make sure that:
- All participants can apply for an access card to MAX IV premises
- All participants in the session get access to the experimental data
- All samples & substances you plan to use for your experiment are registered
- All Participants have a valid safety test
- Etc.
In short, creating the experimental session is what gives the support organizations at MAX IV the necessary information about your experiment so that they may prepare properly for it.
How to create a session
You create a session by logging in to DUO and going to:
- Section: Your visits
- Link: Experiment sessions
- Button: “Create a new session”
Please note: All proposers (MP/PI/Co-P) on the proposal can create an experiment session.
Tip: Your scheduled experiments without sessions created will also show under the header: “Your next 10 scheduled experiments without sessions” on the first page.
In this step you will be prompted to:
- Pick a beamline (and proposal ID) from a drop down menu. This only shows beamlines where you have shifts scheduled but no session has been created.
- Select “tick” shifts to be included in the session you are creating. When doing so please make sure you leave no “gaps”, but pick all shifts available per scheduled 24h period.
Please note: If your proposal is scheduled for more than one trip to MAX IV, e.g., one visit in February and one visit in March, please create separate sessions for each visit.
A shift at MAX IV is 4 hours long, and the day (24h period) is split into the following shifts:
- 00:00 (Night)
- 04:00 (Early Morning)
- 08:00 (Morning)
- 12:00 (Afternoon)
- 16:00 (Evening)
- 20:00 (Late evening)
In this step you will see a summarized view with information about your session. You will be asked to choose (or add) the samples and substances you plan to send/bring with you to MAX IV.
- To indicate that you will bring a sample already registered in your proposal, click the checkbox.
- To add a new sample: Click the button “Create a new Sample” and fill in all the necessary information, then click the checkbox once created.
Repeat this procedure if you are bringing multiple samples to MAX IV.
Post declared samples
- Without hazards may be selected at any time until the session ends, but you should always fill in your samples well in time before your visit.
- With hazards
- May be declared and selected if the start of the session is at least 14 days ahead.
- Can be declared, but not selected without getting an approval from the Experimental Safety Team, if the session start is less than 14 days ahead.
In this step you will see a summarized view with information about your session. You will be asked to add participants. Participants are all persons that will travel to MAX IV or need access to the data collected during this session.
You have two options for how to do this:
“Add new participants”
Select and add participants by searching for their names in the DUO database (this means that all participants need to have an active DUO account). You will also be asked to decide who should be given the role of “Session Responsible”, this person should hence be amongst those traveling to MAX IV.
“Import participants from a previous session”
This is only relevant if you have multiple sessions for your proposal, e.g. through BAG access. If so, you can copy participants from a previous session by selecting it in a list view.
Please note: Only participants added to your session will in turn be able to apply for an access card to MAX IV.