Protection for large intestine and migraine medication – news from MAX IV users

Gel baserad på matavfall kan skydda tjocktarmen I global livsmedelsproduktion går en tredjedel av den råvara som används till spillo varje år. Forskare vid KTH har funnit ett nytt användningsområde för den del av maten som annars skulle gå förlorad. Uppfinningen är en gel baserad på majsfibrer som bland annat skulle kunna ingå i mat

MAX IV and nine Swedish universities joint effort to educate young scientists, commenced

PRISMAS, Ph.D. Research and Innovation in Synchrotron Methods and Applications in Sweden is launched. The programme includes hands-on training in cutting-edge synchrotron skills that is applicable in various research areas at MAX IV in Lund, Sweden. It combines practical experience with courses covering all aspects of synchrotron radiation to produce researchers who are experts in these methods and their fields. 

Robert Feidenhans’l is the new chair of the MAX IV board

Lund University has appointed Robert Feidenhans’l as chair of the board for the MAX IV research facility in Lund. The term of office runs from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025. “Robert Feidenhans’l is a fantastic asset for MAX IV and for Sweden’s work on research infrastructures. He is an internationally leading authority within

The list of achievements is long – review committee congratulates MAX IV

The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR), which funds the majority of MAX IV operations, reviewed for the sixth time MAX IV’s project management on 7–8 November. The ten-member review committee charged MAX IV with questions on several aspects of the project, from cost and schedule to technical issues, management and science. They also evaluated how

A toothy temporal map of Arctic climate change

In the vast, remoteness of the Arctic, few have the opportunity to gather data on the environmental conditions over time or decipher the long-term effects of climate change. What is required? A considerable period to observe, a nearly autonomous method or actor for collection, a robust character to withstand the harsh surroundings. Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark are tackling this issue through an interdisciplinary NordForsk project. At DanMAX beamline, the group will analyse a narwhal tusk to determine its chemical composition and biomineralization, both important potential markers of the changing environment.

Amorphous atomic structure of tungsten oxide detected at DanMAX

The relationship between atomic structure and size is crucial knowledge in the effort to improve nanomaterials properties. Amorphous atomic structure was revealed in research done at DanMAX beamline of otherwise crystalline tungsten oxide nanoparticles due to the change of the nanoparticles size. This understanding is crucial for developing materials for, among others, catalysis, batteries, solar cells, memory storage, medicine, etc.