ForMAX beamline celebrates 1 year in operations

November 1 marks one year since ForMAX beamline officially opened for user experiments. Congratulations to ForMAX and everyone involved in making ForMAX possible! It has been one exciting first year.

MAX IV Open Day — An enlightening exploration of science

MAX IV Laboratory welcomed nearly 1000 visitors on Open Day, the facility’s first major public event in five years. A fantastic lineup of interactive science stations with enthusiastic staff engaged guests inside the experimental hall of the large ring. In the mix, exhibitor booths, Vattenhallen, the Lund Robotics group with Buster the dog, Tetrapak, ESS, Kraftringen, Nano Lund, Medicon Village, and the Uppåkra archaeological group, drew interesting discussion.

Size of support particles is key to catalytic converter efficiency

In a study conducted at MAX IV and other European synchrotrons, researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium show that the catalytic activity of highly distributed palladium depends on the size of the cerium dioxide support particles. Optimising particle size can lead to a more effective conversion of toxic carbon monoxide exhaust even in challenging cold start conditions. The study was published in the journal SCIENCE. 

The 3rd Pulsed High Power RF Sources Workshop held at MAX IV

Experts in Pulsed Radio Frequency from 14 laboratories worldwide gathered at MAX IV from 18-20 September 2023 to discuss and exchange experiences, challenges, and knowledge regarding klystrons, modulators, and RF components. Pulsed RF power for a laboratory, such as MAX IV and other similar facilities, is one of the most essential components for the laboratory’s research activity. The facility’s performance relies heavily on Pulsed RF Power maintenance and developments.

In memory of professor Per-Olof Nilsson

Professor Per-Olof Nilsson, a colleague and friend to us at MAX IV, passed away at age 84. As a PhD and later professor at Chalmers with a great interest in synchrotron-based research, Per-Olof Nilsson played a major role as initiator and facilitator of MAX-lab, which became MAX IV, as a national facility. He sent in

ReMade@ARI Call for Proposals

Are you motivated to develop materials for a circular economy? Do you have an innovative scientific idea, potentially even with an industrial impact? The ReMade project is committed to supporting the development of innovative, sustainable materials by providing scientists with analytical tools to explore the properties and structure of materials right down to atomic resolution.

EU Conference week highlights at MAX IV: research infrastructures and data for societal advancement

A week of visits by European representatives took place in Lund from June 19–22, prominently reflecting the knowledge development and innovation drive priorities of Sweden’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. A range of governmental representatives including Swedish Minister of Education Mats Persson, Ebba Busch, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden and Minister for Energy, Business and Industry, EU ministers and delegates, scientific speakers, and guests attended the conference, The Potential of Research Data: How Research Infrastructures Provide New Opportunities and Benefits for Society hosted by Sweden, the Swedish Research Council VR and Vinnova.

Olof Karis becomes Director for MAX IV

Olof Karis, former Interim Director of MAX IV, has been appointed as the Director of MAX IV following an open recruitment process and the recommendation of the MAX IV Board. The decision was made by the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, the host university for MAX IV. MAX IV, Sweden’s synchrotron, is fully operational with 16