…28 keV. The imaging endstation can be used between 6 keV and 12 keV. For both endstations the maximum flux is provided at around 8 keV. Do I have a…

User information

number of participants in the experiments and the samples used. Samples need to be declared two weeks in advance, except non-hazardous samples, which can be declared up to three days…

Experimental station

…dehumidifier Sample centering mechanical resolution 200 nm Beam shaping 5-100 μm diameter Eiger2 16M Hybrid-pixel Detector Number of pixels 4150 × 4371 = 18’139’650 Sensor material Cd Te, thickness 750…

Report: MAX IV and the Industry 2022

…and community-building efforts, and collaborations for national and international research. 50% more paid industry experiments The report concludes that the number of paid industry experiments at MAX IV (proprietary experiment…


…adapted for multi-technique scanning and feedback applications. The number of PandABox units installed at MAX IV keeps increasing as they enable compact implementation of complex triggering schemes, e.g. for various…

Prepare samples for the Sample Exchanger

The MAX IV sample exchanger currently supports only samples mounted in UniPucks. UniPucks can be purchased from a number of vendors, but there are also some available at the beamline….


…issues that can be addressed. The overarching objective of the HIPPIE beamline is to address the pressure and materials gaps, that is to relax the vacuum constraints, which traditionally have…


…one for full field imaging instrument, one versatile powder diffraction setup using an area detector and a high resolution powder X-ray diffraction instrument using a microstrip detector. DanMAX is primarily…

Radio Frequency

…RF designs requires custom PCB layouts. The RF group is making designs of strip line kickers, RF cavities using Comsol©, CST microwave studio© and Superfish. Wake field calculations using CST…