Low Density Matter

…and chemistry, to engineering and biology. Some of these occur in nature whilst others are important for industrial and technological advancement. Specific examples that greatly impact our world include ionization…


…it can continuously rotate (i.e. without breaking the vacuum) 120 degrees in the horizontal plane. The Vertias beamline supports great variety of experimental environments were a custom manipulator system with…

Governance structure

…Doctoral Students. A number of other academic, industrial and other type of partners contribute as Associated Partners hosting the students for their secondments. On an operative level, the PRISMAS Project…

Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

…department (Godsmottagningen, phone number as written on the printed out dewar labels) know that your dewar is ready for pickup. In case of unexpected problems: Place the dewar in the…

User information

…(18 shifts = 3 full days). It is expected that the beam is used in all shifts, including nights. Therefore, sufficient number of participants (ideally 4+/-1) should be secured for…

Bacterial biomass conversion for renewable fuels

…investigation went further along this path, describing a selection of ten bacterial enzymes much more diverse in both sequence and structure compared to fungal enzymes and with broader substrate specificity.

Results from the Fall23 Call for proposals

Summary Submitted proposals 370 Accepted proposals 224 Average score 3.67 Average cutoff score 3.32 Oversubscription Oversubscription rates based on number of proposals, per beamline, for the Fall23 call. Oversubscription per…