Riverine iron survives salty exit to sea

…sediment. “A very important finding was that the organic iron complexes were much more resistant across the salinity gradient, while the iron oxides aggregated to a large extent,” explained Herzog….

Governance structure

…E-mail: Marjolein.Thunnissen@maxiv.lu.se Phone: +46462224668 The courses and evaluation The Study Program Committee is responsible for developing and organizing the courses within the PRISMAS program. It is chaired by the Director…

Understanding NUDT15: lessen the efficacy of HCMV treatment

…to bring forward the data on the study, while its binding modality is observed through NUDT15/GCV-TP co-crystal structure. Getting high-quality structures of NUDT15-Ganciclovir complexes was the major challenge faced by…

Sample Environments

…for in situ nano-diffraction experiments while a push or pull force is acting on the sample. This holder allowed to mount diamond anvil cells (DACs) which facilitated measuring diffraction from…

xrdPlanner: a new, versatile beamtime planner

…scientific reach. Consequently, they offer flexible experimental setups and may have several different detectors to choose from. In combination with a range of available X-ray energies, it often makes it…

1.5 GeV storage ring

The MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring is based on a compact double-bend achromat lattice for the production of bright soft x-ray and UV radiation. The storage ring is a…