
King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustav visits the facility. The MAX I–III rings on Ole Römers väg served approximately 1,000 users annually, and delivered research in a broad range of…

Science at MicroMAX

…a large fraction of the users and publications at these facilities come from the field of macromolecular crystallography (MX). The MAX IV MX beamline BioMAX covers a wide range of…

Oxygen cycling reveals path to next-gen ferroelectric devices

…criteria for materials for new ferroelectrics in the future.” Publication P. Nukala et al Reversible oxygen migration and phase transitions in hafnia-based ferroelectric devices open_in_new Science (2021) DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3789 open_in_new

Acknowledgement and References

This is a list of references for software and instruments available to the MX users at MAX IV for data collection and processing. Please make sure that you include the…

ForMAX beamline celebrates 1 year in operations

On November 1, 2022, we announced the opening of ForMAX, a beamline specially designed primarily for research on new, sustainable wood-based materials from the forest. The beamline also provides new

User information

…for both beamlines. At SPECIES the APXPS endstation offers to users: Standard ambient pressure cell for catalysis, redox chemistry, etc. research. Maximum pressure about 20 mbar, maximum temperature about 600…

Proposal submission

Read the MAX IV User Policies Please visit our User Policies page and get acquainted with the MAX IV Terms & Condition for User Access. Please note that chances of getting further beamtime…

Big Science Forum 2024

…latest developments and challenges and opportunities for future business, R&D projects, and collaborations in Big Science. Listen to presentations by the research organisations, join technology seminars, and find new business…