Science at DanMAX

…Even though the experiment itself is simple the diffraction data contains a wealth of information. From PXRD data it is possible to get information about: Lattice parameters, symmetry, atomic coordinates,…

1.5 GeV storage ring

…redesigned and improved version of the decommissioned MAX II storage ring. The MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring has a circumference of 96 m, comprises 12 achromats (2 more than MAX II)…

A cloudy route for shipping in the Arctic

…climate researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Xiangrui Kong, Principal Investigator of the STXM beamtime at SoftiMAX beamline, stands in front of the STXM end-station. Credit: MAX IV…

User information

…refurbishment. The analyzer is expected to come back in October 2024, and after that it will be commissioned before its return to user operation. The SSES should be fully operational…

Low Density Matter

…and chemistry, to engineering and biology. Some of these occur in nature whilst others are important for industrial and technological advancement. Specific examples that greatly impact our world include ionization…

Deciphering corrosion resistance of superalloys

…at MAX IV’s FlexPES beamline by scientist Alexei Preobrajenski, and X-ray Reflectivity (XRR) under atmospheric pressure and ambient conditions at the Swedish Materials Science beamline P21.2 at PETRA III at…

User Guide

…are timely disseminated to the academic public. For information about proprietary access, mainly for industry users, see Industry. 1 Proposal submission We are glad you found MAX IV of interest…


… Phone: +46702923925 Margit Nothnagl Director Administration Division E-mail: Phone: +46462226672 Communications Communication E-mail: User Office User Office E-mail: Information and Communication Technology Thomas Eriksson Manager IT…

Selection process for research projects

…selected scientific area. 20% Expected impact at the national and international levels. The Central Selection Committee will rank the proposals and give feedback to the principal investigators. This includes an…