User information

number of participants in the experiments and the samples used. Samples need to be declared two weeks in advance, except non-hazardous samples, which can be declared up to three days…

Experimental station

BioMAX experimental station MD3 Microdiffractometer Sphere of confusion 150 nm at 100 deg/sec fixed Omega axis, 750 nm with Mini-kappa Sample microscope 12x zoom, on-axis Additional environments Mini-kappa goniometer, HC-lab…

Report: MAX IV and the Industry 2022

…and community-building efforts, and collaborations for national and international research. 50% more paid industry experiments The report concludes that the number of paid industry experiments at MAX IV (proprietary experiment…


…beamlines and offices. Each of them is divided by a set of virtual networks, usually corresponding to a subsystem, to minimise the influence of broadcast equipment. The second layer is…

In-situ plate experiments

…will be used to name the data directory and files. They may only consist of numbers and letters and the characters “-” and “_”. From the Beamline action menu select…

Prepare samples for the Sample Exchanger

The MAX IV sample exchanger currently supports only samples mounted in UniPucks. UniPucks can be purchased from a number of vendors, but there are also some available at the beamline….

MAX IV & partners poised to innovate life science sector

…DanMAX and MicroMAX) and full field imaging (DanMAX and ForMAX). This range of instruments provides unparalleled spatial and temporal resolution and will equip life scientists to study structural details in…

PRISMAS Recruitment Day

…HERE 13th August 2024 10.30-11.30 CEST: REGISTER HERE *Same presentation will be shown in both occasions, feel free to participate in both if desired. The presentations will relate to the…