Surface & Material Science branch

…depending on the temperature range of an experiment: 1. Mo-based manipulator head for better heating. Radiative heating by filament (up to 800 °C), e-beam heating (up to 1200 °C, but…

Sample environments and equipment

All sample positioners and sample environments for the PXRD2D instrument are aligned using the main hexapod. Specifications of the hexapod can be found here: The hexapod can translate up to…

Beamline optics

…on resolution/spotsize Energy resolution 1meV at 21eV, 2meV at 63eV (measured, 800L/mm, 20μm exit slit) Gratings All user beamtimes so far have operated on a single grating (800 L/mm cPGM)…

Low Density Matter

…and at MAX IV we strive to meet the experimental needs of our ever -expanding and -evolving community. LDM-relevant beamline We offer access to a number of LDM-relevant beamlines (highlighted…

Beamline optics

…flux) Chopper: Disc radius 120 mm Rotation speed ≈ 0.8 kHz Number of slits (two slit circles) 12/120 Slit width 85 µm Opening time ≤ 300 ns Repetition rates (two…


…first of these sources, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facilitity ESRF which a storage ring with a circumference of 800 meters is being built in Grenoble starting in 1990. Two similar…

One Time Password (OTP)

…(TOTP). The one-time password can be distributed via email, SMS or be generated via an application on your mobile phone. Both email and SMS methods have inherent weaknesses and will…


…Matter, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Ann Terry Beamline Scientist E-mail: Phone: +46462224312 Kim Nygård Scientist E-mail: Phone: +46462226603 Roland Kádár Professor, Chalmers E-mail: Marko Bek…


…Before continuing with the download instructions, see the guidelines in the One Time Password section to setup your phone for generating an OTP. VPN client software MAX IV is using…

Governance structure

…Doctoral Students. A number of other academic, industrial and other type of partners contribute as Associated Partners hosting the students for their secondments. On an operative level, the PRISMAS Project…