COOL sustainability more than a pipe dream in Lund

for the low-temperature district heating (LTDH) system in Lund. Credit: Kraftringen AB “A big goal for us is developing the district heating business. We constantly look for better ways with…

X-ray eyes on artifact from shipwreck Gribshunden

…co-location of several elements. The fluorescence intensities were normalized for better visibility. Credit: Hanna Dierks Using modern measurement techniques such as scanning electron microscopy and X-rays, researchers continue to learn…

Proposal Writing Guide

Do you want to write better proposals? We have gathered information that will help you maximize your chance of getting beamtime at MAX IV. This material is based on the…

A cloudy route for shipping in the Arctic

…“The initial ideas for this research stemmed from a desire to better understand the environmental impacts of sulphur emissions from maritime shipping. This curiosity was further stimulated by the implementation…

In-situ plate experiments

…setup. Therefore it is better to book separate shifts for this type of experiment (not on the same beamtime as standard cryo-data collection) Plate types supported chevron_right So far the…

HPC Basics

…frontends with Linux virtual desktop that may fit better your needs: clu0-fe-2, clu0-fe-3, offline-fe1 Home directories Each user has its own cluster-dedicated home directory (~) common at frontends and nodes (this…