Fast Access

…whether the experiment should be conducted via mail-in, remotely, or onsite. Standard Measurement Services MAX IV provides fast access for predefined standard measurements, suitable for sets of similar samples with…

sftp data transfer

…“Quick Connect” bar at the top, it will not allow you to use 2-factor authentication. FileZilla – In the Site Manager, set the ‘Logon Type’ to Interactive. FileZilla – There…

Magnet power supplies

In the laboratory we have different types of magnet power supplies Itest corrector power supplies bipolar, output power +- 100 watt CAENels output power 0,4-1,5 kilowatts Delta Elektronika output power…

Science at CoSAXS

…Gothenburg X-ray source Sweden MAX IV Laboratory Lund X-ray source Germany  PETRA III and FLASH at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg Neutron sources  European Spallation Source ESS in Lund Sweden Project leaders…

Data Handling

…Structure of raw data files The control system at Balder creates a Master HDF5 file (with .H5 extension) which contains the definition of every scan, the list of detectors included…

Meet the students

…the nanoscale in water solutions. The goal is to explore the impact of heterogeneity within these solutions. Email: Prajakta Manal Stockholm University, Sweden Elucidating time-resolved formation and assembly of…

Our Activities

…vacuum hardware. Upkeep of stock and storage of standard vacuum equipment and spare parts. Updating and enforcing the laboratory vacuum standards to ensure that the accelerators and beamlines can be…

Experimental stations

…LDM branch also features two focal points accommodating two end stations. The first focal point is in the ICE (Ions in Coincidence with Electrons) station, formally known as EB01. This…

Experimental station

…A delay-line anode is photon counting and has time resolving capabilities, for Veritas this enables three important features. First, it enables live feedback of the acquisition with spectra updating continuously….