Governance structure

…coordinator and, on request, by the members of the administrative coordination team (including Finance, HR, Legal and IPR, and Communications). The PMT ensures that the PRISMAS project aligns with the…

Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

…That will display the sample list for that container. You can also make corrections to the CSV file, then delete the parcel by clicking on the “Edit” icon to the…

Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability

The Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability (SAM) team is crucial during the design and installation of every component at Max IV. Our work starts during the design of each component,…

Practical information

…the train and that you cannot purchase a ticket on the train. Groups of two or more people will receive a discount if buying the “Duo”/”Family”/”Together” type of ticket. If…

Sample Environments

…the past are shown below: This sample heater allowed studying temperature-dependent phase transitions. This light and compact cell did allow for coherent Bragg imaging under electrochemical conditions. This nanoindenter allowed…

xrdPlanner: a new, versatile beamtime planner

…difficult for the user to explore the available parameter space relevant to a given experiment prior to the scheduled beam time. To address this, the SINCRYS and DanMAX teams developed…