Results from the Spring23 call for proposals

Please note that due to uncertainties related to the risk of electricity shortage affecting MAX IV user operation, a comparably large number of proposals were put on reserve-list for this…

CoSAXS Detectors

…Specification for Eiger2 4M SAXS detectorNumber of detector modules 2 x 4 Sensitive area (width x height) [mm²] 155.1 x 162.2 Pixel size [µm²] 75 x 75 Total number of…

Data access

…are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/. Reduced files are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/process/azint/. Each scan will be saved with the name scan-####.h5, where #### is a sequential number. The users need to keep…


…with a 100 nm beam and therefore 100 nm steps, you would need N = 100 x 100 = 10 000 scan points. Reducing the beam/step size or increasing the…

User information

number of participants in the experiments and the samples used. Samples need to be declared two weeks in advance, except non-hazardous samples, which can be declared up to three days…

Experimental station

BioMAX experimental station MD3 Microdiffractometer Sphere of confusion 150 nm at 100 deg/sec fixed Omega axis, 750 nm with Mini-kappa Sample microscope 12x zoom, on-axis Additional environments Mini-kappa goniometer, HC-lab…

Report: MAX IV and the Industry 2022

…and community-building efforts, and collaborations for national and international research. 50% more paid industry experiments The report concludes that the number of paid industry experiments at MAX IV (proprietary experiment…


…adapted for multi-technique scanning and feedback applications. The number of PandABox units installed at MAX IV keeps increasing as they enable compact implementation of complex triggering schemes, e.g. for various…

In-situ plate experiments

…will be used to name the data directory and files. They may only consist of numbers and letters and the characters “-” and “_”. From the Beamline action menu select…

Prepare samples for the Sample Exchanger

The MAX IV sample exchanger currently supports only samples mounted in UniPucks. UniPucks can be purchased from a number of vendors, but there are also some available at the beamline….