Photoluminescence end station

…optimized for different spectral regions (300, 500 and 1200 nm blaze, respectively). The Andor Shamrock spectrometer collects luminescence from samples with the aid of a fiber optic cable. Luminescence detectors:…

LINXS Christmas Open House

Join LINXS at our first Open House and Christmas glögg-mingel on 15th December! When: Drop in at any time from 15.00 to 18.00 Where: LINXS, Scheelevägen 19, Lund, at the…


…electrolyte compatibility Potentiostat Bio-Logic SP200. E range +/- 10V. I range +/- 500 mA.  Glove box A custom glove box can be attached to allow handling/loading of samples in inert/dry…

1.5 GeV storage ring

500 mA Horizontal emittance 6 nm rad Vertical emittance 60 pm rad (can be adjusted based on user demand) Typical horizontal beam size at ID center 185 micron Typical horizontal…

3 GeV storage ring

…Nominal current 500 mA Horizontal emittance ~200 – 330 pm rad (depending on ID gap settings) Vertical emittance 2 – 8 pm rad (depending on user demand) Typical horizontal beam…

Beamline optics

Insertion device The photon source of the FinEstBeAMS beamline is an Elliptically Polarizing Undulator (EPU). Magnetic structure 95.2 mm period, 26 periods, 14 mm minimal gap, 2.475 m magnetic length,…


…the year, 21 June at 13:08:55 when the sun peaks above the facility, by the Swedish Prime Minister in the presence of the King of Sweden and 500 invited guests….

Sample environments

ForMAX provides selected dedicated sample environments for its users, as listed below. More sample environments are under development. Humidifier A Cellkraft P-10 humidifier coupled to a simple sample cell is…

Practical information

Welcome to MAX IV! In this section of the web we have collected the some practical information. For answers to some of the most common questions, please see the FAQ…

Photoelectron spectroscopy

Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) is based on the photoelectric effect, the fact that matter irradiated by photons of sufficiently high energy emits electrons. Information about the sample is determined from the…