Bacterial biomass conversion for renewable fuels

…studied by Larsbrink et al. were originally discovered in split gill fungi, Schizophyllum commune. Credit @freebiespic. The researchers’ curiosity for bacterial enzymatic action stemmed from several studies characterizing the breakdown…

How to apply

…system, which is found on their websites The applications for each project are gathered and handed over to the PRISMAS level. At the PRISMAS level, an eligibility check is conducted. The Central Selection Panel evaluates the eligible applications and selects, in general, four candidates for further consideration. The Central Selection Panel consists of independent external…

Governance structure

…E-mail: Phone: +46462224668 The courses and evaluation The Study Program Committee is responsible for developing and organizing the courses within the PRISMAS program. It is chaired by the Director…

Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability

The Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability (SAM) team is crucial during the design and installation of every component at Max IV. Our work starts during the design of each component,…

Sample Environments

…the past are shown below: This sample heater allowed studying temperature-dependent phase transitions. This light and compact cell did allow for coherent Bragg imaging under electrochemical conditions. This nanoindenter allowed…

xrdPlanner: a new, versatile beamtime planner

…to prepare and accommodate an experiment. When preparation and exploration are done beforehand, researchers avoid being forced to make ad-hoc decisions on-site. The program is tailored toward powder X-ray diffraction…

Science at DanMAX

…and biomineralization. Pharmaceutical science – control over polymorphs and structure solution. The structure and chemistry of catalysts under working conditions. … and much more… Full Field Tomographic Imaging Full-field tomographic…