Beamline optics

…Zhu, S., Scardamaglia, M., Kundsen, J., Sankari, R., Tarawneh, H., Temperton, R., Pickworth, L., Cavalca, F., Wang, C., Tissot, et al. (2021). J. Synchrotron Rad. 28, DOI: Hippie is a soft…


…Zhu, S., Scardamaglia, M., Kundsen, J., Sankari, R., Tarawneh, H., Temperton, R., Pickworth, L., Cavalca, F., Wang, C., Tissot, H., Weissenrieder, J., Hagman, B., Gustafson, J., Kaya, S., Lindgren, F.,…

Automated data collection

…a (non editable) list of data collection parameters for all the samples. MXCuBE will also do a sanity check at this point: Nonsensical parameters for the data collection will be…

Science at CoSAXS

…Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University Co-supervisor Christopher Söderberg, CoSAXS Project title: Electrically Assisted Drug Delivery Young researcher: Éverton Carvalho dos Santos Primary supervisor: Heloisa N. Bordallo, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen Co-supervisor: Tomás S. Plivelic,…

ForMAX beamline is now open for experiments

…Mats Qvarford, Strategic Partnership Manager at Tetra Pak and member of the Treesearch board and ForMAX steering group. Collaboration between academia and industry Kim Nygård, beamline manager. Cred: Anna Sandahl,…