
…Beamline Scientist E-mail: Phone: +46462226595 Carl Ekström Postdoc Femtomax E-mail: Phone: +46462226529 Jörgen Larsson Science coordinator E-mail: Phone: +46725175454 Byungnam Ahn Research Engineer E-mail: Phone: +46462226641…


Phone: +46462226555 Igor Beinik Instrument Scientist E-mail: Phone: +46462226563 Claudiu Bulbucan Postdoc E-mail: Phone: +46462226558 Erik Malm Postdoc E-mail: Phone: +46462229585 Joaquin Gonzalez E-mail: Phone: +46462226511…


Phone: +46462224312 Tomas Plivelic Scientist E-mail: Phone: +46462224432 Fátima Herranz Researcher E-mail: Phone: +46462226778 Jackson Silva Research Engineer E-mail: Phone: +46462221656 Henrik Vinther Sørensen Postdoc E-mail:…

Practical information

…to your assigned Local Contact or be placed in the “safety box” just outside the main entrance to MAX IV. An email will be sent to you from the reception…

Inspecting Processing Results using EXI

EXI provides a web interface to the data collection logs and the results from automated data processing pipelines launched after a data collection is complete. A plot showing the number

A record year for research at MAX IV

…proposals from national and international researchers who applied to use MAX IV this autumn. The total number of proposals submitted in the 2023 Open Calls (717) was 14% higher than…

Prepare samples for the Sample Exchanger

The MAX IV sample exchanger currently supports only samples mounted in UniPucks. UniPucks can be purchased from a number of vendors, but there are also some available at the beamline….

In-situ plate experiments

…setup. Therefore it is better to book separate shifts for this type of experiment (not on the same beamtime as standard cryo-data collection) Plate types supported chevron_right So far the…

User information

contacting of samples on the A-station measurement manipulator is no longer possible. The receiver clamping has been redesigned to be more robust and more forgiving of sample plate thickness variations….

Low Density Matter

…with single-bunch operation only, you should indicate it clearly in your beamtime proposal. For more information please contact us. We welcome input from our user community and potential users Contact