LINXS Science Day on New Materials

…leader). When: April 22, 2024, 09:00–17:00 incl lunch and mingle Where: at LINXS (5th floor, Sheelevägen 19, Lund), with digital possibility (Zoom) See the full programme and register at….


Overview The Balder beamline is dedicated to X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) in medium and hard X-ray energy range, 2.4-40 keV (at present 4-40 keV). The…


…manager. Commissioning Users Automated sample mounting and dismounting of samples in capillaries. Please contact beamline manager. See also BioMAX User Information. Beamline documents Macromolecular Crystallography Review Report (download PDF)…

Research done at MAX IV contributes to CIGS solar cell world record

…the X-ray beam-induced current (XBIC) in the solar cell at the same time,” says Sebastian Kalbfleisch, instrument scientist at NanoMAX. Press release from Uppsala University (in Swedish) Publications based…


…X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) experiments. It offers high brilliance, monochromatic and tuneable X-rays, with outstanding performance in low beam divergence, high X-ray flux, and variable beam size in both…


…the European Regional Development Fund and the Academy of Finland, has provided funding for the construction of the beamline, instrumentation and staff. Beamline documents FinEstBeAMS Review Report (download PDF)…


ForMAX allows multiscale and multimodal structural characterization from nm to mm length scales by combining full-field tomographic imaging, small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering (SWAXS), and scanning SWAXS imaging in a…

Paper and pulp

…member, you also have the opportunity for privileged access to ForMAX in particular. Ask us for more information. Examples of research topics at MAX IV  Studying cellulose-based materials across…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…upon proposal creation:     Contact For more information, please contact the Estonian Consortium coordinator Marco Kirm. Treesearch consortium chevron_right Treesearch privileged access, Treesearch consortium Per the Treesearch collaboration agreement,…


…nanometer but the micrometre scale as well. Finally, as the detection in SPELEEM is done at video rates, monitoring of real-time dynamical processes is possible. Beamline documents MAXPEEM Review Report…