PRISMAS PhD Programme

…facility and synchrotron MAX IV in Lund, Sweden. Current status – recruitment process 1st Call: The recruitment process for the 1st call is closed and completed. 2nd Call: The recruitment…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

…weight is 1. The peaks tab is where you select elements from the periodic table to include in your fit. You select an element by clicking it. Then you select…

Compensation & benefits

…IV Laboratory. Some of the benefits are provided by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Talk to local HR if you have any questions about compensation and benefits. Work and development chevron_right…


MAX IV’s videos and documentary material can mainly be found on our YouTube channel. Do you have a video idea? Reach out to Watch…


…to a personal computer, one will have to define that computer as Personal Endpoint using Globus Connect Software. Select Collections in the left-side menu to access the setup page Click…

DanMAX is catalysing industry research

…diffraction at the DanMAX beamline at MAX IV. Haldor Topsoe is a trailblazer when it comes to scientific innovation. Considering that the company’s founder, Haldor Topsoe, after whom the company…

HALOS – A unique collaboration in Life Science

…that HALOS will make a big difference”, says Professor Erik Renström, Dean at the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University and Chairman of HALOS. The main part of the project…

CoSAXS Sample Environment

…environment User equipment can be mounted within the beamline, following appropriate safety assessment. Please discuss with the beamline scientist. Detailed sample environment information must be provided with the beamtime proposal…