…techniques are available through modular operation: time-resolved SAXS, SAXS/WAXS, protein solution SAXS, microfocusing SAXS, anomalous X-ray scattering and XPCS, meeting the demands of a large and broad community of users….


…research extends from the electronic structure studies of free particles (atoms, molecules, clusters and atmospheric particles) in gas phase and on surfaces to formation analysis and nanoscale characterisation of surfaces…


ForMAX allows multiscale and multimodal structural characterization from nm to mm length scales by combining full-field tomographic imaging, small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering (SWAXS), and scanning SWAXS imaging in a…

Paper and pulp

…length scales  Mechanical properties of fiber structures during processes and at different temperatures and humidity levels  Cellulose-water interaction effects  Popular techniques and beamlines Small- and wide-angle scattering at ForMAX and CoSAXS Tomographic imaging…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…efficient access to 69 infrastructures is coordinated via a single-entry point and enabled through comprehensive scientific and innovation service by senior scientists, facility experts, and highly trained junior scientists. This…


…imaging techniques with structural, chemical, electronic, and magnetic contrasts at spatial resolutions in the nanometer range. Spectroscopic PhotoElectron and Low Energy Electron Microscope (SPELEEM) is unique in that it provides…


…our X-ray beam on the crystals and record the scattered X-rays it is possible to obtain a 3D-model of the protein molecule. The science of structural biology studies structures of…

User information

A call for proposal will open September 4 with closing deadline September 18, 2024. For more general information about the call see MicroMAX is open for standard proposals for serial…


…X-ray beam. Two endstations provide a high-flux diffraction-limited KB mirror focus, and an X-ray microscope based on zone plate optics. Beamline documents NanoMAX Review Report (download PDF) Beamline presentation…