Data Access

…a master file that contains the command issued to perform the scan, the scanned parameters (e.g. motor positions), experimental channels (e.g. beam intensity, position, temperature) a snapshot of the instrument…

User information AFM

…max 90×90 micrometers with max 5 micrometer total height difference. The lateral resolution for 90 micrometer FOV is better than 50 nm, for 10 micrometer scan – better than 2…

Microscopy labs

General information Microscopy support labs at MAX IV gather three different machines: a scanning tunneling microscope, an atomic force (scanning) microscope and a scanning electron microscope, as a user support…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…the job. Xia2 Use an interactive node to run Xia2: Open a terminal in the thinlinc client, eg, from the Applications -> System Tools menu and load the DIALS module:…

Aarhus scientists investigate secrets behind mantis shrimp clubs at DanMAX

…University’s Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center. Mantis shrimp experiment, Aarhus University. Credit: MAX IV Laboratory The team of scientists used DanMAX beamline, X-ray fluorescence, and scattered beam measurements to study samples…

Science at Balder

…1s core hole, so-called Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS). This way, you can measure the L-edge type spectra of transition metals with hard X-rays. You typically monitor the energy transfer…

User information

…your experiment would benefit from UHV scanning probe microscopy (STM or NC-AFM) of your surfaces, samples from HIPPIE can be transferred via vacuum suitcase to an Omicron VT SPM. For…