Resolution of the AC-SPELEEM

Energy resolution The energy resolution in the various acquisition modes is: better than 0.2 eV in XPEEM; 0.15 eV in μ-XPS and 0.15 eV in μ-ARPES. Spatial resolution The spatial…

User information AFM

…max 90×90 micrometers with max 5 micrometer total height difference. The lateral resolution for 90 micrometer FOV is better than 50 nm, for 10 micrometer scan – better than 2…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…rapid feedback on data quality, while autoPROC and DIALS runs significantly slower; autoPROC performs anisotropy analysis which results in better data in some cases. The output files of the automated…

Experimental station

…Second, synchronisation with the storage ring allows ignoring detector counts that occurs between the X-ray pulses, lowering the MCP dark noise by >80%. Third, it allows synchronisation with external equipment…

User information

…can be selected, which provides a better flux for data collection from crystals of this size. The 20 micron beam shaping aperture is inserted automatically when selecting this focus size….

Surface & Material Science branch

…depending on the temperature range of an experiment: 1. Mo-based manipulator head for better heating. Radiative heating by filament (up to 800 °C), e-beam heating (up to 1200 °C, but…

Automated data collection

…is well suited to the latter, often resulting in data quality comparable or better that can be obtained by manual control of the experiment. How does automated data collection work?…