The new MAX IV website

Since the website is newly launched, we keep working to optimize its functionality and content. Please expect errors and use the search bar function should you not find the information…

Data Handling

…to create this new environment is: conda create –name parseq_env We can activate the newly created environment now: conda activate parseq_env Installing ParSeq Download the source code of the core…

The role of synthesis gas in tomorrow’s sustainable fuels

…A. Fredriksson & J. W. (Hans) Niemantsverdriet Mechanistic insight into carbon-carbon bond formation on cobalt under simulated Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions open_in_new Nature Communications 11, Article number: 750 (2020) open_in_new

About us

…materials open opportunities for spintronics Quantum Materials June 25, 2024 The dawning of new interpretation for RIXS spectra June 10, 2024 xrdPlanner: a new, versatile beamtime planner More news chevron_right…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

…template file. Adjust parameters in the fitting configuration. Run a fit and iteratively adjust parameters to reach a good spectral fit. Save the optimized configuration to a new configuration file….

Submit a proposal

new proposal login to DUO and go to: Section: Proposals Link: New proposal This will take you to a landing page with a list showing which “Research Areas” & “Proposal…