Summer and winter schools

…PRISMAS participants. The week-long courses focus on synchrotron techniques, including X-ray scattering and diffraction, X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray imaging. They also feature examples from each scientific research area. More information on the PRISMAS summer- and winter schools is coming soon….

User information

…smaller spot size Defocused vertical 2 mm, horizontal 500 µm Energy range 4 – 40 keV (XAS) 6 -22 keV (XES) Time scales Step scan 30 min/EXAFS Fly scan 1…

MAX IV’s role in the Government’s Research Bill

The Swedish Research Council’s report “Research Quality and International Competitiveness” “MAX IV must be given the financial possibility for the technological development required to maintain its position at the international…

Experimental station

The experimental station is an in-house design, tailored to the specific needs of ForMAX’s user community. A key feature of ForMAX is the combination of full-field tomography and (scanning) SWAXS….

LINXS Christmas Open House

…neutron science. Take the chance to meet with colleagues in the LINXS community! For those of you who are not familiar with how LINXS work, this is an excellent opportunity…

Beamline optics

FemtoMAX performance2024 Energy range 1.8 -15 keV (0.8 – 6.8 Å) Photon source 2 x in-vacuum undulators U15 Monochromator Double Crystal Monochromator with InSb(111) crystals. 3 x Multi-Layer Mirror Photons…


…electrolyte compatibility Potentiostat Bio-Logic SP200. E range +/- 10V. I range +/- 500 mA.  Glove box A custom glove box can be attached to allow handling/loading of samples in inert/dry…