BAG Access

BAG access is available for groups of researchers that want to combine their beamtime requests into a single proposal. MAX IV accepts BAG proposals during Fall call for proposals. Available…

Standard Access

The standard peer reviewed access mode at MAX IV, offering a single scientific project beamtime. Available at: All beamlines currently in user operation Validity: 1 Cycle Guide: Submit a Proposal…


…variety of research fields. Electrons are shot through the accelerators, where they are brought to near-light-speed and guided in a precise manner by means of controlled electromagnetic fields. Through a process of…

Fast Access

…before applying for beamtime. The beamline will collect together similar measurements in order to reduce setting up times. Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….

Well attended 35th User Meeting with a forward look

…of the user meeting offered several parallel sessions and riveting discussions on science conducted by academic and industrial users during the last year. The meeting ended on day three with…

Fast Access

Types of Fast Access offered at FemtoMAX: Sample or technical feasibility study The maximum number of shifts: 6 (24 hrs). Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV…

Science & Techniques

…offline tests may be part of the offered package. The focus of our technical development is on combining rheometry, SWAXS, and other auxiliary experiments for simultaneous multiscale characterisation of viscoelastic…

Microgel properties in X-ray spotlight

The article was featured on the cover of Macromolecules journal. Microgels consist of polymers that are crosslinked and forms a ball somewhat resembling a tiny ball of yarn. The connections…

STM experimental station

For the preparation of samples in situ a preparation chamber is used, which offers sample cooling, annealing (up to 1200 C), Ar+-sputtering, residual gas spectra analysis / TPD experiments, and…

Beamline optics

…eV, ~3.8 meV at 50 eV , ~40 meV at 400 eV) Flux at sample (focused) 10E9 – 10E13 ph/s (4.5 – 1300 eV) for E/ΔE~5000 (Maximum flux is measured