34th MAX IV User Meeting

FASM and MAX IV warmly invite MAX IV User communities, students, researchers, newly interested persons and collective to the 34th MAX IV User Meeting: “Collaboration in Focus”, 3-5 October 2022, at Scandic Star Hotel,…

Experimental station

…staff, many months in advance, if you are interested in using this. B-branch (spinARPES) The B-branch is currently open for general users. Since it is a much newer station and…


…XAS and SAXS with different channel depth is available at MAX IV (see below for use at Balder). New co-flow chip in use at the Balder beamline. Example of XAS…

A celebration of MAX IV’s beginnings

the first 4th generation light source in operation is thanks to your efforts.”   The new exhibition in MAX IV’s reception also features display cases with other important milestones in…


…(for example: equipment development projects, planning new research avenues, funding applications, communication with our community, etc). Noelle Walsh Scientist Responsibilities: ICE end station manager ; TRISS project manager, Team leader…

Time resolved catalysis

the response of the sample to measured with microsecond time resolution. This capability is new and is offered in collaboration with the beamline staff – please contact us to discuss….

Sample Delivery Systems

…turbo pumps Compatible beamlines / end stations FlexPES, FinEstBeAMS, ICE Liquid microjet source FlexPES Sketch of new differential pumping insert for the liquid jet experiment at FlexPES: Manipulator Z-travel 400…