BAG Access

The Solution-SAXS/BioSAXS/SEC-SAXS setup is available for Block Allocation Group access. Additionally, conventional SAXS/WAXS measurements using our standard multiple capillary or our solid/gel holder are also possible within Block Allocation Group…

Experimental station

…pyrometer is also available Cooling LN2 UV lightsource LOT-QuantumDesign GmbH Hg arc lamp Sample storage capacity: 5 samples Available ports there are additional ports (CF40) available for user supplied sources…


…instrument. Typical applications: Lattice size measurements to within <=1% Identifying when multiple domains are contributing to the photoemission spectra Verifying a successful sample preparation when LEED or ARPES is not…

In case of emergency

In case of emergency, follow the instructions given to you in the safety test and the introduction at your beamline. Pay attention to the contact person and information provided to…

LINXS Science Day

…enjoy a mingle, but you can also participate online if you prefer. Find the full programme on LINXS website. Contacts: Anna Ntinidou ( Nina Ahlbeck ( for any practical questions….

Electrical Safety at MAXIV

An electrical installation shall be executed in compliance with good electrical safety practices in order to provide adequate safety from injury or damage caused by electricity. To ensure good electrical

Fast Access

…determine the sample suitability for further experiments or for time-critical experiments. Please contact the beamline staff for information. Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….