SCIENTÍFika hosting Dr. Georg Held

The VerSoX beamline: Near-ambient pressure XPS/NEXAFS at Diamond Light Source The near-ambient-pressure beamline B07 (Versatile Soft X-ray beamline) at Diamond Light Source opened for users in July 2017. It features…

Industry sectors

Explore how synchrotron science and the tools available at MAX IV can be used to study and solve research questions and challenges within your industry sector. Can’t find your research…

MetalBeams workshop

…an initiative within SIP Metallic Materials, run by Jernkontoret to encourage the use of large-scale infrastructure (synchrotron x-ray and neutron sources) by the metals industry. The Autumn 2024 seminar is…

Beamline optics

…is used to reduce the bandwidth of the X-ray beam and select the working energy in between 5-28 keV. At the SSA position the beam is cut to select the…

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Dear Users and Friends of MAX IV MAX IV extends our warmest wishes to each of you. This year has been filled with challenges and significant achievements, and none of…


The analysis chamber hosts a VT XA STM (ScientaOmicron). The microscope has recently (2019) been upgraded so that non-contact AFM via QPlus sensors became possible. Most of our users run…

1.5 GeV storage ring

…500 mA Horizontal emittance 6 nm rad Vertical emittance 60 pm rad (can be adjusted based on user demand) Typical horizontal beam size at ID center 185 micron Typical horizontal…