HPC Basics

The High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster is a central resource available at MAX IV for users and staff. It is a small cluster compared to what one would find at…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…connections and the current requirements for remote experiments. Click on each of the links below for information on each topic. If you need more information or help to determine if…

IT Environment at BioMAX

The following is a summary of the IT facilities for BioMAX users. Click on each of the titles below to expand the contents. Beamline Computers chevron_right BioMAX has several Linux…

Additive manufacturing

…Free preform UV activated resin Build 14x14x17cm Layer 100-25μm Safety constraints Links Ultimaker manual: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/18787-user-manual Ultimaker software: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/51947-interface-overview MarkTwo manual: https://support.markforged.com/hc/en-us/categories/115000131204 MarkTwo software: https://markforged.com/eiger/ Form2 manual: https://support.formlabs.com/hc/en-us/sections/115000004844-Printing-with-the-Form-2 Form2 software: https://formlabs.com/tools/preform/…

BioMAX user training workshops

…name of the person and e-mail address. We request that participants have or create a MAX IV user account in DUO; this is compulsory for on-site workshops or to take…