HPC Basics

…is a small cluster that can be used outside beam time by both staff and users. The front end is offline-fe1. The offline cluster is not accessible from the beamline…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…connection to BioMAX: How to open a VPN connection to the beamline “blue” network and log in to the BioMAX server for remote data collection. A brief introduction to biomax-remote….

IT Environment at BioMAX

…from the beamline computers or biomax-remote, but it is possible to log in to it remotely from the users’ home computer. Please refer to these instructions. Unlike the beamline computers,…

Additive manufacturing

…Free preform UV activated resin Build 14x14x17cm Layer 100-25μm Safety constraints Links Ultimaker manual: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/18787-user-manual Ultimaker software: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/51947-interface-overview MarkTwo manual: https://support.markforged.com/hc/en-us/categories/115000131204 MarkTwo software: https://markforged.com/eiger/ Form2 manual: https://support.formlabs.com/hc/en-us/sections/115000004844-Printing-with-the-Form-2 Form2 software: https://formlabs.com/tools/preform/…

BioMAX user training workshops

…the data collection server: https://lu.app.box.com/s/e1ipoej3xjyzsufoviwen4a9l7o8ja8l A tour of the offline cluster: https://lu.app.box.com/s/mqct89tuj66nqan0geh9ubase8bxeps8 An introduction to the biomax-remote server Tutorial 3. MXCuBE3 Remote access master and observer, video and chat Mount and dismount…