Beamline optics

From left to right: in-vacuum wiggler, FE mask, wall, low-E filters, alignment laser, CM, DCM, slit, fluorescent screen, FM, slit, fluorescent screen, sample Source: in-vacuum wiggler Total length 2 m…


…Marcin Sikora, University of Science and Technology (PL) 09:20 “Pb-intercalated epitaxial graphene on SiC: Charge transfer mechanism, heterostack alignment and spin-split interlayer bands” – Bharti Matta, MPI Solid State Research…

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…freedom for alignment, and explicitly address this point in your proposal. The spin-resolved ARPES endstation has demonstrated baseline functionality and formally left commissioning, but is still very new. You are…

Full-field microtomography

…bottom in the stack: 2-axis horizontal (X–Z) sample alignment stage (+/- 6 mm translation range for each axis; maximum load capacity 10 kg) Air bearing rotary stage, model RT150ST (maximum…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…better performing magnetic materials. Synchrotron light is essential for investigating the compaction and alignment of permanent magnetic material on a sub-second time scale. The obtained information will be utilized to…