Data analysis software

Users can use the following software to read, manipulate and analyze the image files collected at MAXPEEM, which currently are Elmitec-type Uview files (.dat files) or .tiff images/stacks using TVIPS…

Fast Access

…does not provide data analysis service. The person providing the service must be included in the co-author list. Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….

Fast Access

…participating beamlines, follow link below. Validity: 1 Cycle See full description of Fast access and download proposal template Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….

Fast Access

For fast access please contact the beamline. We encourage users to contact us for sample feasibility tests prior to serial crystallography beamtime. Follow this link to read more about all…

Fast Access

…it is strongly advised to contact the beamline staff prior to a submission to discuss the intended proposal. Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….


…Swedish government through the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and reports to them annually on the overall performance. Please find the reports below. MAX IV Annual Report 2023 [Download PDF] [Read

User Interface at Balder

…in this tab. Macros: Regular sardana macros can be run from this tab. These include are scans of the sample stages, beamline motors etc. and macros related to energy calibration…

Fast Access

…desired date of experiment For the APXPS branch, only the standard cell or pure UHV measurements are accepted. Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….

Photoelectron spectroscopy

…hemisphere, the electron is detected with a position sensitive detector (often a micro-channel plate in combination with a phosphor screen + fast camera or any other read-out). Photoelectron Spectroscopy is…

Fast Access

Work in Progress Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….