LINXS XAS-School 2023

Welcome to LINXS XAS-School 2023, aiming to train new or early users to design, plan, prepare, perform and analyze an x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiment at a synchrotron beamline. The course…


…publication site (click) . publications about the beamline year publication short summary 2023 Current capabilities of the imaging endstation at the NanoMAX beamline 10.1063/5.0169244 Preliminary performance tests of the new

Webinar: Explore the ForMAX beamline at MAX IV

The ForMAX instrument at MAX IV is funded by industrial partners of Treesearch (a national platform for research on new materials and speciality chemicals from forest raw material) and the…

Externally funded projects

Here is a list of externally funded projects associated with the Balder beamline. AdaptoCell SSF ITM-170375 grant for “AdaptoCell for MAX IV Laboratory users” 3 year project started in 2019…

XAS data

…a convolution of the real spectra with a rectangular broadening function given by the integration time duration (presently down to 1 ms). The user will eventually have control of this…


…resolution. This project is framed in the exploration of new catalytic materials, their molecular function and ways to use them for environmental protection and chemical production without putting planetary boundaries…

Sample Delivery Systems

…turbo pumps Compatible beamlines / end stations FlexPES, FinEstBeAMS, ICE Liquid microjet source FlexPES Sketch of new differential pumping insert for the liquid jet experiment at FlexPES: Manipulator Z-travel 400…