User access

…guide to help you! User Guide chevron_right Quick reference Call for Proposals Find your beamline MAX IV Access modes Think safety Act safely Learn all about the different safety measures…

LINXS Christmas Open House

…5th floor! At 15.30, Director Trevor Forsyth, will set out future prospects related to LINXS, reflect on his first year as a Director, and highlight possibilities related to X-rays and…

Beamline optics

…to the position of the secondary source aperture (SSA), 25.2 m upstream from the center of the last focusing mirror. In between, a horizontal Bragg diffracting crystal Si (111) monochromator…

Beamline optics

FemtoMAX performance2024 Energy range 1.8 -15 keV (0.8 – 6.8 Å) Photon source 2 x in-vacuum undulators U15 Monochromator Double Crystal Monochromator with InSb(111) crystals. 3 x Multi-Layer Mirror Photons…

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

…it would have been possible without your support and engagement. Despite our financial difficulties, we have committed to remain open for business 2024. Looking forward to a new year of…


…an operator. We are responsible for delivering a stable high-quality beam to the users. This means operating and controlling the accelerator complex consisting of the 3 GeV linac, the 1.5…


dimension: 7mm x 50mm (w x h). Leakless Ag/AgCl reference electrodes are available on request. Maximum reference electrode diameter of 5 mm. Contact beamline staff to discuss sample/electrode requirements if…

Solid-state end station

…of direct heating, resistive heating, electron beam bombardment and liquid N2 cooling. The PREP is equipped with a LEED/AES (low energy electron diffraction/Auger-electron spectroscopy) and a QMS. There are possibilities for…

Technical Specifications

General specifications: – Anton Paar MCR702 MultiDrive in single-motor transducer configuration available on site. Either an Anton Paar MCR702e Space or a dual-motor transducer configuration may be available upon request if…