XAS data

X-ray Absorption Spectra in transmission Cu foil 2019-01-31, step scanning (35 min/scan), 2 repeats, Si111 crystals, room temperature Balder (green) compared to other beamlines (blue/orange) 2019-02-08, fly scanning (1 min…

Education & Outreach

The current focus of MAX IV’s education activities lies on a successful implementation of the EU-cofunded PRISMAS PhD program in collaboration with Swedish universities and industry. Going forward, MAX IV…

MetalBeams Online Seminar

Test environments for in-situ investigation of metallic materials Registration is now open! MetalBeams is an initiative within SIP Metallic Materials, run by Jernkontoret, Swerim and RISE, to encourage the use of…


The CoSAXS beamline is a state-of-the-art multipurpose Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) instrument with opportunities to use the inherent high coherent properties of the 3 GeV MAX IV ring through…