…limited the processes and systems possible to study, and to move from model to real – and thereby often much more complicated – materials systems. HIPPIE, along with the complimentary…

Need a certificate of attendance?

…ID of the proposal your visit is connected to Your full name Your affiliation The MAX IV Reception will issue a signed digital copy (pdf) and send back to you….

PXRD2D: Powder diffraction with area detector

…To help you design your experiment, we have developed xrdPlanner. Here, you can compare the experimental parameters (sample-to-detector distance, photon energy, beam stop distance) to find the best setup for…

Report: MAX IV and the Industry 2022

…and community-building efforts, and collaborations for national and international research. 50% more paid industry experiments The report concludes that the number of paid industry experiments at MAX IV (proprietary experiment…

Safety Test

…is valid one year from completion, and the expiration date is written out in the system and on your certificate. Print your certificate Please note: In order to pass the

In-situ plate experiments

…is restricted to only 30 degrees, you may have to run three-click centering several times to obtain a good focus. Fortunately, once you have completed this step for the first…

In memory of professor Per-Olof Nilsson

…initiator of the synchrotron radiation activities at MAX and was a strong driving force for development over the years. In addition to his scientific activities, P.O. had a completely different…

Bio & Chem labs

…been filled for the proposal, the booking is completed. Safety information Any work that is carried out in the Bio/Chem labs must be suitably risk assessed in the ESRA form…