HERDi: High Enough Resolution Diffractometer

…will be updated with more information when it becomes available. The proposed design of the instrument is available in the Detailed Design Report for PXRD here: Diffraction_DDR_v2.pdf (PDF: 18 MB)….

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FragMAX – Crystallographic Fragment Screening

…Download the FragMAX information brochure (PDF) here: FragMAX folder.pdf. Contact us Please get in touch if you are planning to apply for access, or if you have questions. Reach out:…

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Data access Have questions about access to your data? Follow this link to the Guide to IT services page. Experimental Report According to MAX IV User Policies it is mandatory…

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Using strain to control echoes in ultrafast optics

…create localized strain fields. The samples were measured at NanoMAX beamline using a special inverse microscopy technique, tele-ptychography. The Si crystals generated dynamical diffracted wavefronts. From this data, the group…

Experimental station

common Varied Line Spacing (VLS) grating design. A collimating parabolic mirror is used in the horizontal plane, increasing transmission without requiring a very broad detector. Energy (wavelength) range 250 –…