Full-field microtomography

…rings open_in_new J. Synchrotron Rad. 31, 1299-1307 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577524005290 open_in_new Detection system ForMAX is equipped with a high-resolution full-field microtomography detection system consisting of two main components, an optical microscope…


…will be possible to use new methods of presenting the samples to the X-ray beam. The technique used is called X-ray crystallography. By making crystals of the protein molecules, shine…


…a high brilliance source of primary photons, and it is only recently that the full power of the method has been realised. The new synchrotrons offer the ability to monitor…

ForMAX beamline is now open for experiments

…collaborative platform for academic and industrial research in new materials from the forest. One goal with ForMAX is to facilitate the development of new, wood-based products that can replace today’s…

Fast Access

…they should help (especially new users) in preparation of the normal proposals for a later call. The FA at FlexPES is limited at the moment to maximum 2 shifts (8…

XES data

…(3 crystals) New data collected in July 2022 in collaboration with expert commissioning users. The Co Ka1 HERFD spectra were collected together with expert commissioning users (A. Jentys group from…

Coincidence Spectroscopy

…an ‘in-house’ multi-coincidence setup that can be used at a number of different beamlines. The ICE endstation offers a versatile Reaction Microscope (REMI) instrument. Reaction Microscope (REMI) The reaction microscope…

Fast Access

…will not be accepted. One of the primary reasons Bloch is joining this program is to help new and inexperienced user groups write competitive proposals. If you are unsure about…