Low Density Matter branch

…(to be booked well in advance) 4. Solid samples transferred from an argon glove box docked to Introduction chamber Preparation Chamber Base pressure 10-9 mbar Sample manipulation 600 mm Z-travel…

HPC via Remote Desktop

…Type: interactive -n ‘n-of-CPUs’ -t ‘time’. For example, interactive -n 10 -t 01:00:00 will give you 10 CPUs for one hour Logout after using your session (use the logout function in the System menu) to…

Virtual Characterisation Day

Are you an industry R&D leader or researcher with an interest in the latest developments within Big Science? On November 3rd, 2021 you are welcome to join the online event Virtual…


…manager. Commissioning Users Automated sample mounting and dismounting of samples in capillaries. Please contact beamline manager. See also BioMAX User Information. Beamline documents Macromolecular Crystallography Review Report (download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LGCJx49OqE…


the European Regional Development Fund and the Academy of Finland, has provided funding for the construction of the beamline, instrumentation and staff. Beamline documents FinEstBeAMS Review Report (download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/embed/sygFYG2GWJ4…


…(download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LenrVBVvvEE MAX IV is involved in the European project NEP (Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis – Europe|PILOT) by offering a limited amount of beamtime at MAXPEEM for peer-reviewed…


the Novo Nordisk Foundation under the grant number NNF17CC0030666” Call for proposals Spring 25 For more information, see MicroMAX User Information Beamline documents Macromolecular Crystallography Review Report (download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT_LvrNkw0U…


…X-ray beam. Two endstations provide a high-flux diffraction-limited KB mirror focus, and an X-ray microscope based on zone plate optics. Beamline documents NanoMAX Review Report (download PDF) Beamline presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aicwKnbpfn0…