Sample preparation

MAX IV hosts support laboratories for its users, to be booked separately. ForMAX also hosts auxiliary equipment, that its users can make use of during their experiment. The main purpose…

Review process: Standard access

…in the Digital User Office (DUO) tool, make sure to use the right proposal form, fill in all necessary information etc. Please note that no changes are allowed to submitted…

Contact the industry office

Talk to us Reach out to the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office and we will guide you to become a MAX IV user. Together we will decide what analytical techniques…


…browser, with access to stored experimental data, as well as home and group folders in the central storage system. Simple ready off-the-shelf as well as configurable persistent user defined environments…

Safety Test

For a user to be granted access to the MAX IV facility, they must first study the safety material and pass a safety test. The material to study is also…

ICE Endstation

…and the relevant time-scales involved. The ICE REMI (REaction MIcroscope) is available to general users. Single-bunch operation: There will be a 1 week of single-bunch operation during the Fall Term 2023. When…

The MAX IV facility

MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national synchrotron laboratory that has operated as a user facility since 2016. It is the successor to MAX-lab, which was in operation between 1987…


Collaboration is one of the core interests of MAX IV as it supports excellent user service provision by facilitating tools that guarantee staying on the forefront of synchrotron science. MAX…

Beamline optics

…monochromator and the exit slits are delivered by TOYAMA, Japan and the mirror chambers by FMB, Berlin. Photon energy range (optimal performance) 15-220eV Accessible photon energy range 10-1000eV Polarization Linear…

Soft X-ray absorption

…of the X-ray photon absorption, a core electron may be promoted into various unoccupied states; the probability of this promotion is strongly dependent on the photon energy and experimental geometry….