Health and life sciences

…vehicles.  Using synchrotron X-ray techniques, you can study healthy and diseased cells and tissue as a basis for developing new medical treatments and explore new active compounds and delivery systems…

Compensation & benefits

…appraisal will take place between you and your manager. Together you will set new goals for the coming year and follow up on the ones that have been previously. Courses…


The analysis chamber hosts a VT XA STM (ScientaOmicron). The microscope has recently (2019) been upgraded so that non-contact AFM via QPlus sensors became possible. Most of our users run…

First ReMade@ARI Webinar

…construction, packaging, plastics, textiles and food on an unprecedented level. The overarching vision is to make a substantial contribution towards breaking the vicious circle of shrinking resources and increasing amounts…

Sample holders

…OMNY pin sample holders for the NanoMAX Imaging Station. Left: sample pins compatible usable at the NanoMAX imaging station. Sample preparation and mounting is essential for a successful beamtime. Discuss…

User information

…4.5 eV to 50 eV, while a 600 lines/mm grating works above 15 eV. However, the photon flux decreases considerably toward high photon energies. The actually usable photon energy range…

Time-resolved APXPS

…17 Hz Time resolution ~ 70 ms Data analysis Data analysis software for the internal synchronisation signal search is available from the beamline on request. Help with the software usage…

LINXS Webinar Series

…are welcome to join in. The webinar series is held every first Wednesday of the month, throughout the year. Each webinar will run from 35 to 40 minutes followed by…

Experimental station

…one of the leak valves is connected to the gas line composed by two inlets and a dedicated pumping system please, contact the beamline staff in advance if gas usage…