Beamline optics

…coherent part of the beam, generating a new virtual source for the experimental stations. NanoMAX beamline optics layout The optical beamline components for the beam shaping and beam transport up…

Beamline optics

FemtoMAX performance2024 Energy range 1.8 -15 keV (0.8 – 6.8 Å) Photon source 2 x in-vacuum undulators U15 Monochromator Double Crystal Monochromator with InSb(111) crystals. 3 x Multi-Layer Mirror Photons…

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

…it would have been possible without your support and engagement. Despite our financial difficulties, we have committed to remain open for business 2024. Looking forward to a new year of…


…an operator. We are responsible for delivering a stable high-quality beam to the users. This means operating and controlling the accelerator complex consisting of the 3 GeV linac, the 1.5…


…electrolyte compatibility Potentiostat Bio-Logic SP200. E range +/- 10V. I range +/- 500 mA.  Glove box A custom glove box can be attached to allow handling/loading of samples in inert/dry…

Solid-state end station

The solid-state end station (SSES) is designed for studying solid-state material via advanced experimental techniques in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment. The end station is composed of four UHV chambers…

Technical Specifications

…needed. – Both standard (parallel-plate, cone-plate, and polycarbonate concentric-cylinder geometries, rectangular torsional DMA fixture) and custom setups. – Combined temperature and humidity control. Extended options list: – Temperature control: Convection…

Atomic Force Microscope

…in late 1990-ies. Despite seemingly old, it is still competitive with the brand-new AFMs in terms of high-resolution topography determination. It is capable of both contact and tapping modes, allowing…

Sample holders

…OMNY pin sample holders for the NanoMAX Imaging Station. Left: sample pins compatible usable at the NanoMAX imaging station. Sample preparation and mounting is essential for a successful beamtime. Discuss…

BAG Access

…monochromator and CRL focusing (beam size down to 5 micrometer). NOTE: Automated rotational crystallography is still in commissioning and the experiment control in development. This functionality is planned to be…