Atomic Force Microscope

…in late 1990-ies. Despite seemingly old, it is still competitive with the brand-new AFMs in terms of high-resolution topography determination. It is capable of both contact and tapping modes, allowing…

Sample holders

…OMNY pin sample holders for the NanoMAX Imaging Station. Left: sample pins compatible usable at the NanoMAX imaging station. Sample preparation and mounting is essential for a successful beamtime. Discuss…

BAG Access

…monochromator and CRL focusing (beam size down to 5 micrometer). NOTE: Automated rotational crystallography is still in commissioning and the experiment control in development. This functionality is planned to be…

Technical Notes

R3 beam dynamics High-Chromaticity_Optics_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20090902_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100318_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100512_Pulsed_Magnet_Injection_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20101101_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20101203_Magnet_Synchronization_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20110117_Updated_Lattice_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20111124_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20121107_Updated_Lattice_140129.pdf Internal_Note_20130724_OCO_Modeling_141009.pdf Internal_Note_20150129_MIK_Analysis_150130.pdf Internal_Note_20150930_MW_Threshold.pdf insertion devices Internal_Note_20090922_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20100215_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20101209_Elliptically_Polarising_Undulators_with_11_mm_Magnetic_Gap_at_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20111110_Comparison_Brilliance_MAX_IV_NSLS-II.pdf Internal_Note_20111220_Elliptically_polarizing_undulators_for_the_Arpes_beamline_at_the_Solaris_Light_Source.pdf RF cavities Internal_Note_20240410 Harmonic Cavity Parameters for Flat…


The Design Office team consists of the following people Design Office Common contact Office location: D110070 E-mail: Joaquin Gonzalez E-mail: Phone: +46462226511 Pablo Sanchez Navarro Mechanical Designer E-mail:…

High-Temperature Cell

…cell with controllable gas supply. Standard setup for general users. Base Pressure 2 x 10-9 mbar Sample manipulation X, Y, Z Normal Emission. 55 deg synchrotron beam incidence (beam to…

A record year for research at MAX IV

…Li-ion batteries Read all the Highlights in the MAX IV Annual Report 2023. 2023 in numbers: Insights from the MAX IV Annual Report +51% publications compared to 2022.  +31% unique…

Experimental station

Once completed, the DanMAX experiment station will host two instruments for powder diffraction and one for full-field imaging and tomography. Currently, we have the first of the powder diffraction instruments,…


…AFM Si(111)-(7×7) scanning conditions: Vbias = 0.00 V, df = -27.1 Hz (f = 28.04 kHz) Left panel: topography map Z(X,Y), inset in the top-right is a fast Fourier transform…