BAG Access

The beamline is open for BAG proposals for rotational crystallography with the MD3-UP diffractometer, ISARA sample changer and Eiger2 X CdTe 9M detector using the crystal monochromator and CRL focusing…

Technical Notes

R3 beam dynamics High-Chromaticity_Optics_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20090902_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100318_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100512_Pulsed_Magnet_Injection_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20101101_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20101203_Magnet_Synchronization_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20110117_Updated_Lattice_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20111124_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20121107_Updated_Lattice_140129.pdf Internal_Note_20130724_OCO_Modeling_141009.pdf Internal_Note_20150129_MIK_Analysis_150130.pdf Internal_Note_20150930_MW_Threshold.pdf insertion devices Internal_Note_20090922_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20100215_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20101209_Elliptically_Polarising_Undulators_with_11_mm_Magnetic_Gap_at_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20111110_Comparison_Brilliance_MAX_IV_NSLS-II.pdf Internal_Note_20111220_Elliptically_polarizing_undulators_for_the_Arpes_beamline_at_the_Solaris_Light_Source.pdf RF cavities Internal_Note_20240410 Harmonic Cavity Parameters for Flat…


The Design Office team consists of the following people Design Office Common contact Office location: D110053 E-mail: Joaquin Gonzalez E-mail: Phone: +46462226511 Linus Roslund Mechanical designer Office location:…

High-Temperature Cell

…cell with controllable gas supply. Standard setup for general users. Base Pressure 2 x 10-9 mbar Sample manipulation X, Y, Z Normal Emission. 55 deg synchrotron beam incidence (beam to…

A record year for research at MAX IV

…Li-ion batteries Read all the Highlights in the MAX IV Annual Report 2023. 2023 in numbers: Insights from the MAX IV Annual Report +51% publications compared to 2022.  +31% unique…

Experimental station

Once completed, the DanMAX experiment station will host two instruments for powder diffraction and one for full-field imaging and tomography. Currently, we have the first of the powder diffraction instruments,…


The analysis chamber hosts a VT XA STM (ScientaOmicron). The microscope has recently (2019) been upgraded so that non-contact AFM via QPlus sensors became possible. Most of our users run…

Fast Access

…access measurements. EC cell is typically only available for dip-and-pull measurements with water-based electrolytes. Typically, the glove box is not available (contact beamline staff). Standard Measurement Service (SMS) The service…

Technical Infrastructure

The Technical Infrastructure team is part of Engineering II and is in charge of Cooling, Ventilation, Compressed air, Cryo and gas systems. The team supports the entire MAX IV laboratory…