Atomic Force Microscope

…in late 1990-ies. Despite seemingly old, it is still competitive with the brand-new AFMs in terms of high-resolution topography determination. It is capable of both contact and tapping modes, allowing…

Sample holders

…or made from Copper but coated with Gold. The top of the pins can be modified to match the specific needs of individual samples. There are three different shapes/sizes of…

BAG Access

…in operation from Fall 2025 run. Since this functionality overlaps with BioMAX we strongly encourage users to apply for both beamlines so that the choice of beamline can be decided…

Technical Notes

…Internal_Note_20150129_MIK_Analysis_150130.pdf Internal_Note_20150930_MW_Threshold.pdf insertion devices Internal_Note_20090922_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20100215_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20101209_Elliptically_Polarising_Undulators_with_11_mm_Magnetic_Gap_at_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20111110_Comparison_Brilliance_MAX_IV_NSLS-II.pdf Internal_Note_20111220_Elliptically_polarizing_undulators_for_the_Arpes_beamline_at_the_Solaris_Light_Source.pdf RF cavities Internal_Note_20240410 Harmonic Cavity Parameters for Flat Potential Arbitrary Order R1 beam dynamics Internal_Note_20100820_M5_Pulsed_Sextupole_Injection_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20111102_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20120313_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20120904_Updated_Lattice_120913.pdf Internal_Note_20140526_High-chromaticity_1.5GeV_140604.pdf insertion devices…


The Design Office team consists of the following people Design Office Common contact Office location: D110070 E-mail: Joaquin Gonzalez E-mail: Phone: +46462226511 Pablo Sanchez Navarro Mechanical Designer E-mail:…

High-Temperature Cell

…of inlet and outlet gas composition Analyser apertures 0.3 mm Gas dosing (available 2018-I) up to 8 individual gases (by user request) and their mixture. Fully automatic gas dosing system…

A record year for research at MAX IV

…funded beamlines were in operation and open for proposals after years of intense development work.  Much of the published research makes up important puzzle pieces that contribute to a better,…

Experimental station

Once completed, the DanMAX experiment station will host two instruments for powder diffraction and one for full-field imaging and tomography. Currently, we have the first of the powder diffraction instruments,…


…perform STM characterization of their samples in conjunction with their (spectrocopy) studies at other beamlines. Using vacuum suitcase at SPM lab it is possible to transfer the samples to/from STM…