Dynamics and Disorder in Macromolecular Structures

…from closed to open states. Lastly, we demonstrate how flexibility can link structure to function, through an analysis of the cryo-EM structure of STEAP4, an iron reductase. We find that analysis…


…research, including photovoltaic devices, batteries and waste products from combustion, nuclear and coordination chemistry, as well as conservation of cultural heritage objects. Beamline documents Balder Review Report (download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2Aq36Pyr50…

Pre beamtime

…lab page. Support labs If you want to book a lab directly, you can enter your MAX IV login on our booking site here. Book lab Remote access It is…

Balder Lab

…to our Support labs page. Support labs To book a support lab for your upcoming beamtime, you can enter your MAX IV login on our booking site here. Book labs…

Open Day

…free of charge but must be booked in advance. The event is family friendly and recommended from ages 6 and up. Book your tickets chevron_right During the event, we will…

SCIENTÍFika series

…minutes of presentation followed by 15 minutes of discussion, chaired by MAX IV staff You can sign up for an email reminder to not miss any seminars. Email If you…

MAX IV & partners poised to innovate life science sector

…to come online for User Operation at MAX IV in 2021-22, which will enable several techniques relevant for the life sciences, including spectroscopic methods (SoftiMAX), scattering and diffraction (CoSAXS, ForMAX,…

Science at FemtoMAX

…-Ultrafast phase-transitions -Ultrafast bio-chemical reactions Examples of experiments that is performed at the beamline includes ultrafast transitions from ordered to disordered states of matter, optically programmable materials, and protein crystallography….

In-situ plate experiments

…setup. Therefore it is better to book separate shifts for this type of experiment (not on the same beamtime as standard cryo-data collection) Plate types supported chevron_right So far the