Guide for collaboration with MAX IV

…collaborations targeting a Call for applications for funding, please follow the steps below: External collaborator discusses with the MAX IV contact person his/her intent of working on a joint project….


target or flow chips compatible with the MD3 minikappa. Please contact beamline manager. General Users Element identification by X-ray Fluorescence. Fast energy scans. General Users Automated data collection. Please contact…

Experimental station

…two detectors that can be easily exchanged. The diffractometer can be used for rotational crystallography but also for fixed-target serial crystallography. It will also be possible to use different injector…

Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI

MetalBeams invites you to the Autumn 2021 online seminar Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI Confirmed speakers include representatives from MAX IV, RISE, Lund University, Uppsala University, KTH, SWERIM, Vinnova,…

User access

Want to become a MAX IV user? Apply for beamtime! MAX IV is happy to welcome researchers from all over the world to come to Lund and perform experiments using…

LINXS Christmas Open House

Join LINXS at our first Open House and Christmas glögg-mingel on 15th December! When: Drop in at any time from 15.00 to 18.00 Where: LINXS, Scheelevägen 19, Lund, at the…

Beamline optics

NanoMAX is a Hard X-ray monochromatic nanoprobe experimental station at MAX IV, set for best performance between 8 and 15 keV. After the pink photon beam is generated at the…

Beamline optics

FemtoMAX performance2024 Energy range 1.8 -15 keV (0.8 – 6.8 Å) Photon source 2 x in-vacuum undulators U15 Monochromator Double Crystal Monochromator with InSb(111) crystals. 3 x Multi-Layer Mirror Photons…