User access

Want to become a MAX IV user? Apply for beamtime! MAX IV is happy to welcome researchers from all over the world to come to Lund and perform experiments using…

LINXS Christmas Open House

Join LINXS at our first Open House and Christmas glögg-mingel on 15th December! When: Drop in at any time from 15.00 to 18.00 Where: LINXS, Scheelevägen 19, Lund, at the…

Beamline optics

…coherent part of the beam, generating a new virtual source for the experimental stations. NanoMAX beamline optics layout The optical beamline components for the beam shaping and beam transport up…

Beamline optics

…InSb ∆E/E≈4·10⁻⁴ (1.8-15 keV) ML ∆E/E=0.01 (1.8-15 keV) Monochomator throughput @ 5 keV >70% crystal >50% ML Optics Unfocused/ Rhodium coated Si-mirror, Be-lenses, Harmonic rejection mirror Polarization Linear Pulse duration…

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

…it would have been possible without your support and engagement. Despite our financial difficulties, we have committed to remain open for business 2024. Looking forward to a new year of…


The MAX IV facility consists of a 3 GeV storage ring, a 1.5 GeV storage ring, and a linear accelerator (fed by two guns) that serves as a full-energy injector to the rings, but also…


The electrochemistry setup is designed for performing photoemission measurements of solid-liquid or liquid-gas interfaces in a dip-and-pull geometry. A three electrode setup can be dipped and then pulled out of…

Solid-state end station

…connected by a radial distribution chamber (RDC), i.e., analysis chamber (ANA), preparation chamber (PREP), storage chamber (STO) and load-lock chamber (LL). The design of the system allows sample transfer from…

Technical Specifications

…needed. – Both standard (parallel-plate, cone-plate, and polycarbonate concentric-cylinder geometries, rectangular torsional DMA fixture) and custom setups. – Combined temperature and humidity control. Extended options list: – Temperature control: Convection…